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  • 被沉默的女人-观感评论
  • 剧情介绍

The film A regular woman portrays the fate of Hatun Ayhrun Sürücü, a German woman of Turkish descent, and her struggle for a free, self-determined life in the face of her family's opposition. Her brothers refuse to accept her lifestyle; insults and threats continue to escalate. Finally, the young woman reports her oldest brother to the police. She no longer feels safe at home, so she takes her child and moves in with a female friend. At the same time, the family is trying to find a wife for her brother, her future killer. They manage to discipline the young Turkish woman Melek, played by Evin, into becoming a strict, devout Muslim in the space of a few weeks. She is part of their plan, intended to take in and care for the little boy after Hatun is dead. And then the murder is committed.

《被沉默的女人》 影片播放地址:如果喜欢这部影片《被沉默的女人》转载:http://www.szjjzs.com/book/16507.html请保留本文链接。


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